How to Turn Initial Rejections into Good Prospect Conversations

If there is something you really want, do you give up at the first sign of a problem? When you started learning how to ride a bike, did you give up when you came off for the first time? How about when you found that person you liked but who said no initially when you […]

How a Manager at McDonalds can Teach us all Sales Leadership Skills!

I don’t often head into McDonalds but yesterday morning I had a craving for a sausage and egg mcmuffin and so I rewarded myself with one as a treat after a good week of work! As I walked in, I could see it was really busy and I wondered whether I should leave it but […]

How Big Telesales Companies Are Getting It All Wrong

“All the gear and no idea.” They have the staff, they have the infrastructure, they have the data, but they seem to have no bloody clue on how to sell effectively! Yes, that’s right, it seems like so many of these very big telesales companies have all of the gear but no bloody idea on […]

The Importance Of The Sales Process

Let me ask you 3 simple questions: Would you try to marry someone on the first date you had with them? Would you try to cross a 6-lane road in one go? Would you try and eat a massive meal in one bite? Some might try to achieve all 3 and whilst they may make […]

The 3 Key Rules of Selling

Many people will tell you that in the modern world there is no need for companies to sell. I totally agree that the process by which anyone buys has changed because of social media and the internet, but I still passionately believe that being able to sell and achieve results is a key requirement for […]

TRACKFARE, DRIVER and CONVERT – Why These Win Business

Although December is a wonderful time of the year with Christmas, it is also a very frustrating time of year if like me you love winning new business! Unless you sell Christmas jumpers or tinsel, December can be a pain to get business confirmed and new orders issued. Although you may try and get your […]